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Georgia Studio & Infrastructure AllianceAnnounces New Members

GSIA’s diverse membership is focused on protecting jobs for Georgians

ATLANTA — The Georgia Studio & Infrastructure Alliance, the state’s only organization dedicated solely to representing local investment in Georgia’s film and television production industry, welcomes four new companies that further represent the diversity of businesses that support the state’s production industry and provide job opportunities for Georgians.

The new members are:

“It’s important to us to be aligned with an organization that, like us, wants to continue to support the production industry in Georgia, doing what we can to protect the tax credit and the opportunity it creates for our community,” says Cem Drake, President of Integrated Waste Solutions. “GSIA shares our commitment to Georgia.”

Members of GSIA serve the film and television production industry in a variety of ways, including providing studio space, camera equipment, visual effects and post-production services, HVAC, power equipment, truck and car rentals, and building materials. None receive any direct benefit from the Georgia Entertainment Tax Credit.

Founded in 2014, the Alliance is anchored by a core group of studios that includes Atlanta Filmworks, Eagle Rock Studios, EUE/Screen Gems Studios, and Mailing Avenue Stageworks, In addition to the four new infrastructure members, GSIA’s companies that provide support services to production studios and their clients include Cinelease Studios, Cofer Bros., Crafty Apes, Enterprise Entertainment and Production Rentals, Herc Entertainment Rentals, Lightnin’ Production Rentals, Moonshine Post-Production, PC&E, and Picture Shop Post.

GSIA is an official partner with the Georgia Department of Economic Development and collaborates on film stories with GDEcD’s website, Georgia Film Works.

About the Georgia Studio & Infrastructure Alliance: Georgia Studio & Infrastructure Alliance (GSIA) is a unified voice for thousands working to produce television and feature films, linking the interests of Georgians and the industry. GSIA’s purpose is advocacy to protect the Georgia Entertainment Tax Credit. It represents a diverse group of production studios and companies essential to Georgia’s film and television production industry’s infrastructure to the Georgia General Assembly, the Georgia Department of Economic Development, and all other state entities dealing with the regulation of the entertainment industry. A key initiative of the Alliance is its on-going sharing of stories about Georgians building careers and changing their lives through employment and opportunity in the state’s film and television industry. Read those stories on our blog page and on the Alliance’s Facebook page.

Georgia Studio & Infrastructure Alliance Mission Statement: The Georgia Studio & Infrastructure Alliance is a collaborative voice for Georgia Studios and support businesses to communicate, educate, and advocate for long term sustainability of the state’s film and television industry.

Media Contacts:

Cindy Miller, 404-281-9975

Joe Gorley, 678-232-4237



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